La Gestión Tributaria Municipal y Recaudación de Impuestos en la Municipalidad Distrital de Ollantaytambo, 2020
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El presente estudio “La gestión tributaria municipal y recaudación de impuestos en la municipalidad distrital de Ollantaytambo, 2020” tuvo como objetivo Determinar la relación entre la gestión tributaria municipal y la recaudación de impuestos en la municipalidad Distrital de Ollantaytambo, 2020.
Para ello, se realizó un estudio de tipo básico, alcance descriptivo-correlacional, de enfoque cuantitativo y diseño no experimental. La población estuvo conformada por los 85 colaboradores de la Municipalidad Distrital de Ollantaytambo, la muestra la constituyen 30 colaboradores. La técnica de investigación fue la encuesta, así como el análisis documental, como instrumentos se tiene el cuestionario y la ficha de análisis documental.
Los resultados demostraron que si existe un relación significativa entre la gestión tributaria y la recaudación de impuestos en la municipalidad distrital de Ollantaytambo, 2020, esto fue determinado por la prueba de Chi Cuadrado que presento un nivel de significancia de 0.00, ello significa que ambas variables se comportan bajo la misma tendencia, por lo que se acepta la hipótesis alterna, por otra parte en base a nuestro objetivo se pudo determinar que el grado de relación entre las unidades de estudio es alta esto fue corroborado por la prueba de Correlación de Spearman que dio un valor de 0.913. Por lo tanto, se señala que a mejor gestión tributaria municipal se tendrá una mejor recaudación de impuestos.
The objective of this study "Municipal tax management and tax collection in the district municipality of Ollantaytambo, 2020" was to determine how municipal tax management is related to tax collection in the District Municipality of Ollantaytambo, 2020. For this, a basic type study was carried out, with a descriptive-correlational scope, a quantitative approach and a non-experimental design. The population was made up of the 85 employees of the District Municipality of Ollantaytambo, the sample is made up of 30 employees. The research technique was the survey, as well as the documentary analysis, as instruments we have the questionnaire and the document analysis sheet. The results showed that if there is a significant relationship between tax management and tax collection in the District Municipality of Ollantaytambo, 2020, this was determined by the Chi Square test that presented a significance level of 0.00, which means that both variables are behave under the same trend, so the alternative hypothesis is accepted, on the other hand, based on our objective, it was possible to determine that the degree of relationship between the study units is high, this was corroborated by the Spearman Correlation test that gave a value of 0.913. Therefore, it is pointed out that better municipal tax management will result in better tax collection.
The objective of this study "Municipal tax management and tax collection in the district municipality of Ollantaytambo, 2020" was to determine how municipal tax management is related to tax collection in the District Municipality of Ollantaytambo, 2020. For this, a basic type study was carried out, with a descriptive-correlational scope, a quantitative approach and a non-experimental design. The population was made up of the 85 employees of the District Municipality of Ollantaytambo, the sample is made up of 30 employees. The research technique was the survey, as well as the documentary analysis, as instruments we have the questionnaire and the document analysis sheet. The results showed that if there is a significant relationship between tax management and tax collection in the District Municipality of Ollantaytambo, 2020, this was determined by the Chi Square test that presented a significance level of 0.00, which means that both variables are behave under the same trend, so the alternative hypothesis is accepted, on the other hand, based on our objective, it was possible to determine that the degree of relationship between the study units is high, this was corroborated by the Spearman Correlation test that gave a value of 0.913. Therefore, it is pointed out that better municipal tax management will result in better tax collection.
Gestión tributaria, recaudación, impuestos, municipalidad, tributo., tax management, collection, taxes, municipality, tribute