El Control Interno y su Influencia en la Gestión Administrativa en la Gerencia Sub Regional Chanka – Andahuaylas, 2020
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El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar en qué medida la implementación del control interno influye en la gestión administrativa de la Gerencia Sub Regional Chanka – Andahuaylas. El enfoque fue cuantitativo, de tipo básica, descriptiva - correlacional y diseño no experimental, la muestra fue de 52 servidores públicos de la institución; utilizando dos instrumentos de recolección de información; la técnica fue la encuesta y el instrumento fue el cuestionario. Los resultados muestran que un 61,5% de servidores públicos perciben como Alto el control interno, el 26,9% manifiestan como regular, mientras que un 11,5% indicó como deficiente, el 44,2% manifiestan como Regular, mientras que un 5,8% indicó como deficiente; con respecto a la variable dependiente, un 80,8% de servidores públicos perciben como Bueno la gestión administrativa, el 9,6% manifiestan como Regular, así mismo un 9,6% indicó como deficiente. Se concluyó que el control interno posee un impacto significativo en la gestión administrativa, ya que el valor sig =,000 es inferior a 0,05. Esta asociación es directa y moderada (r= 0,642**).
The objective of this work was to determine to what extent the implementation of internal control influences the administrative management of the Chanka – Andahuaylas Sub Regional Management. The approach was quantitative, basic, descriptive - correlational and non-experimental in design, the sample was 52 public servants from the institution; using two data collection instruments; The technique was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that 61.5% of public servants perceive internal control as High, 26.9% say it is regular, while 11.5% say it is deficient, 44.2% say it is Regular, while 5.8% indicated it as deficient; With respect to the dependent variable, 80.8% of public servants perceive administrative management as Good, 9.6% say it is Fair, and 9.6% indicated it as poor. It was concluded that internal control has a significant impact on administrative management, since the value sig =.000 is less than 0.05. This association is direct and moderate (r= 0.642**).
The objective of this work was to determine to what extent the implementation of internal control influences the administrative management of the Chanka – Andahuaylas Sub Regional Management. The approach was quantitative, basic, descriptive - correlational and non-experimental in design, the sample was 52 public servants from the institution; using two data collection instruments; The technique was the survey and the instrument was the questionnaire. The results show that 61.5% of public servants perceive internal control as High, 26.9% say it is regular, while 11.5% say it is deficient, 44.2% say it is Regular, while 5.8% indicated it as deficient; With respect to the dependent variable, 80.8% of public servants perceive administrative management as Good, 9.6% say it is Fair, and 9.6% indicated it as poor. It was concluded that internal control has a significant impact on administrative management, since the value sig =.000 is less than 0.05. This association is direct and moderate (r= 0.642**).
Control interno, Gestión Administrativa, ambiente de control, evaluación de riesgos, actividades de control, información y comunicación, supervisión y monitoreo., Internal control, Administrative Management, control environment, risk assessment, control activities, information and communication, supervision and monitoring.