Valor compartido como estrategia competitiva en la empresa constructora Consorcio Mecano SAC de la ciudad de Cusco, periodo 2021
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El trabajo de investigación denominado “Valor compartido como estrategia competitiva en la empresa constructora Consorcio Mecano SAC de la ciudad de Cusco, periodo 2021”, presento como objetivo general “Describir el valor compartido como estrategia competitiva en la empresa constructora Consorcio Mecano SAC de la ciudad de Cusco, periodo 2021”.
El tipo de investigación es básica, de método deductivo, enfoque cuantitativo, diseño no experimental y de corte transversal, la población estuvo constituida por el personal de la empresa constructora Consorcio Mecano SAC se empleó las técnicas de encuesta y análisis documental mediante los instrumentos del cuestionario y la ficha de recolección de datos y para el procesamiento de datos se utilizó la hoja de cálculo (Excel).
Una vez concluido los procedimientos estadísticos se llegó a la conclusión de que valor compartido es una estrategia fundamental para la empresa siempre y cuando se tome en cuenta los tres aspectos económico, social y ambiental y así mismo también figuren en los estados financieros para poder obtener beneficios en conjunto sociedad, empresa y ambiente.
The research work called “Shared value as a competitive strategy in the construction company Consorcio Mecano SAC of the city of Cusco, period 2021”, presents as a general objective “Describe shared value as a competitive strategy in the construction company Consorcio Mecano SAC of the city of Cusco, period 2021”. The type of research is basic, with a deductive method, quantitative approach, non-experimental and cross-sectional design, the population was made up of the personnel of the construction company Consorcio Mecano SAC, survey techniques and documentary analysis were used using the questionnaire instruments. and the data collection form and the spreadsheet (Excel) was used for data processing. Once the statistical procedures were completed, it was concluded that shared value is a fundamental strategy for the company if the three economic, social, and environmental aspects are considered and appear in the financial statements to obtain benefits. together society, company, and environment.
The research work called “Shared value as a competitive strategy in the construction company Consorcio Mecano SAC of the city of Cusco, period 2021”, presents as a general objective “Describe shared value as a competitive strategy in the construction company Consorcio Mecano SAC of the city of Cusco, period 2021”. The type of research is basic, with a deductive method, quantitative approach, non-experimental and cross-sectional design, the population was made up of the personnel of the construction company Consorcio Mecano SAC, survey techniques and documentary analysis were used using the questionnaire instruments. and the data collection form and the spreadsheet (Excel) was used for data processing. Once the statistical procedures were completed, it was concluded that shared value is a fundamental strategy for the company if the three economic, social, and environmental aspects are considered and appear in the financial statements to obtain benefits. together society, company, and environment.
valor compartido, utilidad, rentabilidad, competitividad, organización., shared value, utility, profitability, competitiveness, organization